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Practice Betsy Altheimer Practice Betsy Altheimer

Table Fort(e): The Little Things are the Big Things

In 2011, After 15 years in nonprofit fundraising and shortly after the birth of my two children, I burned out. Like, really burned out. All the way. When I went to my doctor to figure out what was wrong, she recommended that I leave my job immediately…

In 2011, After 15 years in nonprofit fundraising and shortly after the birth of my two children, I burned out. Like, really burned out. All the way. When I went to my doctor to figure out what was wrong, she recommended that I leave my job immediately, because it was impacting my health in dramatic ways. At that time, there were not nearly as many resources* as there are now that explained what was happening or why. There was no way I could afford to not work, but I also knew I could no longer afford to continue working or living or being in the same ways.

What I found at that time - not by choice, but out of sheer necessity - was how to intentionally design my life and my work, how to tap into the power of rest, reconnect to my creativity and joy, and the power of coaching. And I’m pretty convinced that those things saved my life and continue enriching my life to this day. This habit became my business: Table Fort - like a blanket over the kitchen table - a place of refuge and creativity, a place to play, and to imagine what was possible and next and to support others to do the same…

Fast forward. I have been in practice for 12 years. Not only do I support the work of visionary organizational leaders through fundraising, but I’m also an ICF certified coach supporting individual hearts and minds as they connect to abundance, creativity and purpose. It is an absolute joy to help folks manage rapid change and growth. To see them dream a new way forward. To work together to find resources and tap into resilience that makes the impossible possible. Supporting all the little things - little shifts and habits and thoughts - that add up to enormous, sustainable change.

Just like me, people often reach out for coaching or consulting when they are at the edge of their old way of doing things, ready to try something else, and can no longer afford to keep doing things the same old way. But since I began, so many things continue to shift in work and in the world. I no longer think of my practice as a place to retreat or hide. I think of it as a place to make visible the strength, possibility, and inherent wisdom all around us. To be bolder and to flip tables on how things are “usually” done.

I’m excited to introduce to you the new TABLE FORTE. Yes, with an E. Pronounced exactly the same, but from the Italian word for strong and bright. Let’s root into our power together and reimagine the world.


Burnout Book
Radha Friedman
Intuitive Intelligence Inc
The Burnout Fix

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